Seton Hall University in South Orange is one of New Jersey’s leading colleges.  Their Alumni magazine assigned me to photograph one of their professors who is doing some remarkable work with solar energy. The Romanian-born professor Sergiu Gorun,  is leading a team investigating how to use the sun’s energy to fight cancer.

I photographed his team in his lab. I wanted to illustrate his easygoing manner and connection with his students.  I placed the good professor behind a row of chemistry beakers, and in front of bottles of compounds. I even asked them to use some colored liquid in one of the classically-shaped chemical beakers. Using a 70-200 zoom lens, I set my camera position in an adjoining row, and photographed him through a space in the wall of beakers and bottles.  All safety precautions had to be carefully observed which is why everyone is wearing safety glasses or goggles.

Seton Hall Professon Gorun